We're gonna school you bitches.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Transition Lenses

Apologies if I am offending anyone, but transition lenses are perhaps the trashiest thing you could ever put on your face. The convenience of always having sunglasses on hand isn't enough to justify wearing this god-awful eye wear.

The first pair of commercial transition lenses were introduced to the public in 1991. Seventeen years ago! These were cool seventeen years ago.

If you are still wearing general purpose transition lenses - news flash - you probably either look like a pedophile or a butch, slightly overweight house wife.

I only tell you these things because I love you. Transition lenses are trashy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Power to the people.

Apparently, I've turned into a frat boy in the recent past because there are few things in this world I love more than a power hour with friends. What is a power hour? The rules are simple. One hour passes. Drink a shot of beer each minute. Try to stand up afterwards. Dance.

I was recently alerted to the existence of the most amazing website in recent memory: These Are Powerful Hours.

My mind was blown. These people are not fucking around and nor should they because a power hour is serious fucking business. This site features the best power hour mixes of all time. Ever. Seriously, a Neptunes power hour mix? Amazing. R. Kelly? Prince?! I will willingly become a frat boy because after two years of solid power hours with awkward mix CD's filched from Wendy's roommate, I am ready for something that is as serious as I am. That's what this brilliance is.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Getting naked.

This is brief.

How trashy is it to get butt-ass naked whenever you see your friends? I'm not sure if this is trashy or awesome but I think I need someone to weigh in on this.

We're not that trashy, my friends and I. We have our moments of pure and total trash, when we're sitting on the couch eating spaghetti out of a shared Tupperware and watching "The Holiday" but what group of friends doesn't? However, we welcomed in 2008 by getting naked and dancing for three hours while wearing party hats.

I'll let you be the judge.