We're gonna school you bitches.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Many of us have delicately tried to mute our waitressing pasts on resumes with words like server, customer service representative, waitstaff, caterer, hospitality specialist, hostess....but do we feel any less trashy for having to put it on our resume in the first place? For some of us (ie. yours truly) waitressing constitutes a large majority of one's occupational past, making it a specialization...dare I say talent?
so after 8 years of working my way up from chinese food takeout specialist to jewish deli counter server, to somewhat classy bartender at GIA , I swore to myself..."never again..."

"not so fast....sweetheart"

Now I find myself saying "Would you care for pelligrino, still or iced water?" and secretly dying to just #$*()$(%*($ say tap water for once. Would it really be that trashy?

Is going to Houlahans trashy?

Houlahans is a chain restaurant in New Jersey. That alone probably already makes it trashy as hell. But Chris and I love to go there and order really sugary drinks in big ass glasses and talk about how much we love it there.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crab my ass!!

Does anyone really like california rolls? I mean really... can anyone truly eat a whole order of seafood salad from the deli counter at stop and shop without pucking??
Who invented fake crab and why must I find it constantly showing up in places that it shouldn't.
And why do they bother dying it that vibrant pink/orangy color. Do people actually believe it is crab? Seriously....