We're gonna school you bitches.

Friday, August 17, 2007

One for the road.

It's Sunday. You probably haven't taken a shower and it's around 12:30. You woke up about an hour ago with a dull headache from beer and shrimp with the girls and you want to put a modicum of effort into the rest of your day. Something has to give. You can't spend the rest of the day in your house wearing a man's baseball tee from the Gap and yoga pants. Maybe you don't feel like wearing pants but something about your bare ass clad only in I-need-to-do-laundry underwear with Snoopy surfing on your crotch makes you feel uncomfortable. Trashy, even. You are desperate for an in-between, something that replicates the sheer joy of being pantsless and unfettered yet offers the protection provided by something, anything, covering your ass and your ladyflower. This is where these come in.

Fuck. YES. Cut-offs. So stupendously trashy yet the perfect thing to remedy the situation you've found yourself in. Put these fuckers on and you are ready to face the world, even if the only world you'll be facing is yuppies and their kids in Baby Bjorns looking embarassed for you as you nip over to the corner store to buy Kettle Chips and some strawberry lemonade.

It's like being naked outside but better.

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